
In Jan 2015, it was decided that a woodland survey was the top habitat survey priority. As the staff resource was limited, the number of BHS sites alone within the National Landscape is 197 and because the Pendle LPS area has recently been deliniated, it was decided that it made good sense to start off with the survey of the BHS woodlands within the Pendle area. This was done using the LWT rapid assessment method. 40% of sites were surveyed in the spring of 2015, the rest will be done in the spring of 2016. The rapid assessment method was very effective in showing management needed, and the results from the sample were used in drawing up the Pendle LPS application. trainees from the Biodiverse Society project helped in the 2015 survey, as did colleagues from the National Landscape & LCC team.

1st March 2015 to 30th September 2016

Separate Festival Bowland events brochure produced for 2014.

Festival Bowland programme for 2015 included as part of Discover Bowland guide.

2016 programme currently under development and will be included as part of discovery guide again.

1st January 2014


1.3 Habitats
Action Targets and Timescales Partners
1.3D Restore and re-wet areas of blanket bog habitat as identified in the National Landscape Peatland Restoration Plan
Restoration and re-wetting of 35hectares of blanket bog habitat (subject to funding availability)
1.3E Play an active role in local and regional peatland initiatives (e.g. Lancashire and Pennine Peat Partnerships) to seek additional funding to deliver National Landscape Peatland Restoration Plan
Lancashire Upland Peat Partnership restoration plan (incl. National Landscape data) complete
National Landscape projects included in Pennine Peat Partnership bid for EU LIFE+ funding
1.4 Species
Action Targets and Timescales Partners
1.4F Play an active role in county-wide Invasive Non-native Species (INNS) projects such as 'Lancashire Invasives', to help manage and eradicate Himalayan balsam, Japanese knotweed and Giant hogweed in the National Landscape
Organise 15 volunteer days per year
Complete INNS Strategy and Action Plan
Secure funding for continuation of county-wide INNS project for Lancashire
2.3 Community Engagement
Action Targets and Timescales Partners
2.3G Support the development of ' Friends of Bowland' group as a focus for volunteering activity with the National Landscape
Attend meetings, where appropriate
Hold 3 joint training activities/events per year
Promote events and activities via website and local press
2.1 Farming and Land Management
Action Targets and Timescales Partners
2.1H Support the development of local woodfuel economy, linked to improved woodland management and focusing on smaller and less-accessible sites
Commission research to collate evidence of existing and past traditional woodland management in the National Landscape
Hold woodland management seminar/field visit
Secure funding for at least 1 pilot 'woodfuel' project in the National Landscape
4.3 Monitoring and Evaluation
Action Targets and Timescales Partners
4.3C Work with partners to ensure they use Biodiversity Action Reporting System 2 (BARS2) to report back to Natural England and Defra on BD2020 delivery within the National Landscape
Provide reporting to BARS2 at least twice per year