Annual Reports & Management Plan
- Managment Plan 2019 to 2024
- Forest of Bowland National Landscape Partnership Annual Report 2022-23 in pdf format (21 mb)
- Forest of Bowland National Landscape Partnership Annual Report 2021-22 in pdf format (10.5 mb)
- Final Report of the Bowland Hay Time Project, April 2012 to March 2014 in PDF format (3.5 mb)
Branding Guidelines
General Guidance
- Obtrusive Lighting Position Statement (added April 2016)
- Keeping Bowland in the Dark: Guidance for residents on reducing obtrusive light in the National Landscape (added April 2016)
- State of the National Landscape Report
Climate Change
- Climate Change Adaptation Plan and Appendices
- Renewable Energy Position Statement
Evalution of Renewable Energy Projects funded through the Forest of Bowland National Landscape SDF fund by Elizabeth Bruce in PDF format (798 kb)
Appendix 1 in PDF format (583 kb)
Appendix 3 in PDF format (807kb) - FINAL report on Natural Capital for the Forest of Bowland National Landscape
- Trees, Woodland & Forestry Strategy
Hay Time
- Forest of Bowland Earthworm Survey Report - this report was produced by the Biological Recording Company and funded by the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust.
Landscape Character Assessment
Forest of Bowland National Landscape Landscape Character Assessment:
- Section 1: Introduction - Chapters 1 - 3 (pdf 3.37mb)
- Section 2: Landsape Classification - Chapter 4 (pdf 3.37mb)
- Section 3: Landscape Change - Chapters 5 - 6 (pdf 200kb)
- Section 4: Appendices (pdf 600kb)
Sustainable Tourism
- Lancashire Green Tourism Project final report in PDF format (1.47mb)
- Forest of Bowland National Landscape Sense of Place Toolkit in PDF format (3,513kb)
- Forest of Bowland National Landscape Sense of Place Case Study in PDF format (949kb)
Visitor & Business Surveys/Evaluation
- Forest of Bowland National Landscape Visitor Survey Report, Autumn 2012 in PDF format (500kb)
- Forest of Bowland National Landscape Business Enterprise Survey Report, Autumn 2011 in PDF format (1.07mb)
- Forest of Bowland National Landscape Visitor Survey Report, Summer 2011 in PDF format (800kb)
- GTBS and Lancashire Green Tourism Project evaluation - Septmeber 2010 (74kb)