Moorland Association Landowners/ farmers


An assessment of the peatland restoration work still to be completed within the National Landscape area was undertaken as the Priority peat 2013 project, which was produced as a report in April 2014. The matrix approach allows priorities for action to be determined based on a large number of datasets and consultation with key partners. It has since been used to prioritise sites to be put into EU LIFE+ bids (2014 & 2015) and to direct EA funds to 'shovel ready' projects (eg work on Brown Syke, Abbeystead).

1st April 2014


2.1 Farming and Land Management
Action Targets and Timescales Partners
2.1J Support Lancashire Fire Operations Group (FOG) to encourage good practice in upland heather burning by providing training opportunities for land managers in the National Landscape
Lancashire FOG contributes to National Landscape 'Upland Management ' seminar