From the winter constellation of Orion to the magical sight of a meteor shower and the fabulous sweep of the Milky Way, the skies above Bowland are filled with wonder – and look amazing when captured on camera.
As part of our fourth Bowland Dark Skies Festival, the Forest of Bowland National Landscape Partnership and Clitheroe Castle Museum are inviting you to submit your very own night sky photographs, with the chance of being shortlisted for inclusion in a brand-new exhibition in the Steward's Gallery at the castle this spring.
Whether you're an experienced photographer, or a keen amateur, we'd love to see your images of the Bowland night sky!
Photographs should be submitted via the portal on our website, where you will find our Privacy Notice and Terms & Conditions:
In addition to our general Terms & Conditions, we have some extra guidelines for this Dark Skies Exhibition:
- Closing date for submission of entries is midnight on Sunday 20th March 2022
- Images can have been taken on any date but they must have been
taken within the Forest of Bowland National Landscape (please see map in Terms & Conditions)
- Entrants can submit up to three images
- When taking your photos please remember to take them at as high a resolution as possible. The maximum file size you can upload on the website is 2mb but if your image is chosen for the exhibition we need a high resolution file: 300 dpi, printing to 2480 pixels x 3508 pixels. If images aren't high enough quality for print, unfortunately we will not be able to include them
- No composites of different locations, times and focal lengths. Composites taken at the same time, at the same location, with the same equipment, for quality improvement purposes are allowed
- Images will be shortlisted at the discretion of the Forest of Bowland National Landscape Partnership and Clitheroe Castle Museum
- Shortlisted images will be mounted by, and at the expense of, the Forest of Bowland National Landscape Partnership
- The exhibition will take place at Clitheroe Castle Museum and will run from early April until late May 2022. Exact dates to be announced
- Admission to the gallery will be free
- All entrants will be asked to collect any shortlisted images once the exhibition has closed
Winter is a fantastic time for star-spotting, so if you're new to photographing the night skies, now is a great time to get out and have a go!