The bustling market town of Clitheroe lies in between the Forest of Bowland National Landscape's main upland block and the outlier of Pendle Hill. The town retains much of its old character and customs, and has a wide range of shops, many of which have been run by the same family for generations. A popular open-air market is held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.The main street of the town is dominated by a massive rock of limestone crowned with the Keep of an ancient Castle, of uncertain age, but at least 800 years old. The Castle grounds contain formal gardens, tennis courts, bowling green and summerhouse cafeteria, and a large open-air auditorium with bandstand where concerts ranging from brass band to rock music can be heard in the summer. Here too can be found the Castle Museum, well worth a visit to enjoy the exhibitions of geology and local life. Children will be fascinated with the sights and sounds of the recreated cloggers workshop, printers shop and lead mine.
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