In medieval England the Royal Forests were owned by the monarch and kept for their private hunting. In many of these forests, including what is now the Forest of Bowland National Landscape, fallow deer were kept for hunting in a 'deer park' which was enclosed by a ditch and/or fence, called a 'pale'. These forest deer parks, and those of the gentry elsewhere, varied greatly in size from as little as 10 to over 1000 hectares.
Because of their long existence - several hundreds of years – they helped to shape the surrounding road network and settlement patterns and their boundaries can often still be traced today in our modern landscape.
Research in the Forest of Bowland has been looking at two known deer parks at Radholme and Leagram, which existed between the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries. The research has been focussed on finding out more about the establishment and management of the parks, when they were disparked, and what has happened to them since.
The curriculum information below has been designed to be used for KS2 pupils as part of the History topic 'Tudor Times'. It focuses on a real historical character, Edward Stanley, who was park keeper of both Leagram and Radholme deer parks in the Royal Forest of Bowland between 1487 and 1523, and a soldier for both Henry VII and Henry VIII. A fictional scenario has been developed around Stanley and Henry VIII – helping you to bring the deer parks of Bowland to life!
The curriculum web below was developed for the National Landscape by Glynis Goldsbrough.
Creative Curriculum
Design Technology
Learning Beyond the Classroom
View Jennie Anderson’s archaeological drawings - drafts and final pictures (pdf)
- Discuss what information about life in the deer park the artist has provided
- What are the differences between Jennie’s initial sketch and each final composition
- Read Jennie’s notes about her work and visit her website
- Use different mark making tools and painting techniques to create landscape pictures depicting aspects of a deer park in Tudor Times and fallow deer.
Creative Curriculum
Problem solving
Creative thinking
Information processing
Self- awareness
Managing feelings
Social skills
Design Technology
Design and make a seal (pdf) from Lancashire Archives
- Study of the landscape, flora and fauna within what were the deer parks -considering the suitability for fallow deer
- Map work- looking at 1608 map and modern day maps of the area - Leagram Map and Radholme Map
- Explore where the deer parks were located using information from the Forest of Bowland National Landscape website
- View a current ordinance survey map and look for Deer Park Place Names (pdf) and use Place Name Bingo (pdf)
- Plan a field trip to the area
Compare and contrast life in and around the Forest of Bowland now and in Tudor Times when the deer parks were still managed by Park Keepers appointed by the Monarch See Tudor Monarchs ppt presentation and Leap in the Park Report (pdf)
- Find out about Edward Stanley and his association with Henry VII and later Henry VIII, and his position of Park Keeper for Leagram and Radholme Parks - Edward Stanley and Henry VII Recording Sheets
- Learn about Henry VIII’s love of hunting and feasting. Make use of Power Point slides- Food in Tudor Times and Henry VIII’S Hobbies (ppt) and Tudor Food Notes (pdf)
- Make use of modern census records to see which, if any, of the medieval family names still feature in the area today. Deer Park Family Names (pdf)
- Listen to the Tudor Audio Clips on the BBC website
- Access information from websites using search engines
- Create Photo Stories and Power Point slides
- Take digital images to add to work
Learning Beyond the Classroom
- Visit the Lancashire Archives
- Visit to Laund Farm- contact the Stott Family : 01995 61348 • 07976 935880
- Visit a forest area as link to studying woodland management now and then
Speaking and Listening
- Role Play - see Scenarios and Character Profiles (pdfs)
- Hot seating use character profiles as a base-line
- Drama - see scenarios and Court Script (pdf)
- Nonfiction /reference text from The Report (pdf) and other documentation including Power Point slides (see next bullet) and Internet
- Powerpoint slides: Food in Tudor Times, Tudor Monarchs, Hunting Photo Story, Fallow Deer Photo Story
- Letter writing- letter from Edward Stanley to Sir Richard Empson about the proposed increase in rent
- Letter from Edward Stanley to Henry VIII inviting the young king to visit Hornby Castle and go hunting in Leagram Deer Park
- Recounts- A day working in the park as William Marsden or his father
- Recount – A days hunting or out poaching see Jennie Anderson’s Hunting Scene (jpg image) and Poaching Scene (jpg image) and Hunting Photo Story (ppt)
- Poetry- descriptions of the landscape/the excitement of the hunt/the beauty of fallow deer see Fallow Deer Photo Story (ppt)
Experience Tudor music and find out what instruments were being played
Opportunities for exploring the sounds of the Bowland Forest- rustling leaves, undergrowth, wind through the trees and grassland, rutting deer etc. or Bowland habitats (view slideshows with audio)
- Study biodiversity in the Bowland National Landscape now and in Tudor Times considering different habitats/environments
- Learn about the life-cycle of fallow deer see Fallow Deer Presentation
- Learn about woodland management techniques then and now
Leap in the Park website | Website | |
1608 map | Jpg | 33kb |
Leagram Map and Radholme Map | 3.4mb & 3.1mb | |
Jennie Anderson’s archaeological drawings | 665kb | |
Jennie’s notes about her work | 126kb | |
Jennie Anderson's website | Website | |
Jennie Anderson’s Hunting Scene & Poaching Scene | Jpg | 62kb & 76kb |
Design and make a seal | 117kb | |
Lancashire Archives | Website | |
Deer Park Place Names | 49kb | |
Place Name Bingo | 67kb | |
Tudor Monarchs | Ppt | 4.12mb |
Edward Stanley and Henry VII Recording Sheets | 90kb & 64kb | |
Food in Tudor Times | Ppt | 2.56mb |
Tudor Food Notes | 121kb | |
Deer Park Family Names | 47kb | |
Tudor Audio Clips | Website | |
Role play scenarios | 110kb | |
Character Profiles | 22kb | |
Court Script | 148kb | |
Hunting Photo Story | 833kb | |
Bowland habitats/environments | Website | |
Fallow Deer Photo Story | 958kb |